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Radiant Church Brandon Location

8:00AM - 1.25.2023

Business Leader Mastermind

Growing Your Business God’s Way

Welcome to the MasterMIND for faith driven entrepreneurs who want to build a thriving business that brings glory to God and supports their family. This mastermind is about running successful businesses and improving your internal experience of entrepreneurship. mastering your company culture. scaling your company with balance. tapping into God’s Blueprint for Business.

Business Planning. Laying a Foundation. Business Planning. Growing Your Business. Your People. Sales and Marketing. Client Management. Money, Money, Money.

Business Planning. Laying a Foundation. Business Planning. Growing Your Business. Your People. Sales and Marketing. Client Management. Money, Money, Money.

You know you can’t scale your business to six figures and beyond by yourself.

Key Topics and Agenda:

Laying a Foundation

  • Developing a Brand
  • Defining Your Values and Culture
  • Structuring Your Business Model
  • Understanding Business Phases and Cycles (From Start-Up To Exit Strategy)
  • Keeping Family and Faith at the Center of My Life and Business


Money, Money, Money

  • Bootstrapping (Starting with little capital, relying on personal finances or the operating revenues of the new company)
  • How To Gain Access To Start Up Capital?
  • Where Morals and Profits Meet?


Business Planning

  • What Does a Good Business Plan Look Like?
  • How To Create Your Business Plan
  • How to Share Your Business Plan
  • Risk Taking and Projections


Growing your Business

  • How to Scale My Business to Six Figures and Beyond
  • Resources & Advisors
  • Growing and Expanding Your Business
  • Re-Structuring Your Business
  • Manage Change and Direction of a Company


Your People

  • When You Should Hire
  • Getting the Right Framework – Leadership, Partners, Team
  • How to Hire and Keep the Next Generation of Workers
  • How to Build Your Leadership Team
  • Accountability: How We Keep Our People Accountable
  • Getting Others Engaged
  • Team Building
  • Setting Goals
  • Leadership Development



  • How to Close More Business Goal Setting
  • Networking Vs. Sales
  • Models of Selling
  • New Business Development
  • Pricing Strategies



  • Consumer Trends – What Makes People Say YES
  • Developing a Personal Brand
  • Developing a Marketing Plan
  • Marketing Ourselves and Our Businesses
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Media and Promotions
  • Website Development and Marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Keys to Networking and Marketing
  • ROI – How to Track and Calculate Your ROI on Marketing
  • Share Your Best Marketing Ideas


Date: Wednesday, January 25th

Time: 7:45am – Noon

Address: 1310 John Moore Rd, Brandon, FL 33511

Register Now

Sign Up Here
Josh Fontaine, VP Sales and Head Couch speaking at NOW Automotive Mastermind
David Maus smiling at NOW Automotive Mastermind